Categories Welcome Welcome to! Architecture Operationalizing the Machine Learning model inferencing with an engineering approach Lambda & Kappa Architecture with Azure Databricks Serverless architecture with Microsoft Azure Lambda Architecture Vs Kappa Architecture in IoT What is Microservices architecture and what are the implementation options? Cloud Simple Microservices application on Azure Kubernetes cluster Serverless architecture with Microsoft Azure Windows Service as a Container on Azure Service Fabric Creating SignalR based microservices app on Azure Service Fabric Microservices Simple Microservices application on Azure Kubernetes cluster Actor Model based programming paradigm with Azure Service Fabric (ASF) Windows Service as a Container on Azure Service Fabric Creating SignalR based microservices app on Azure Service Fabric Docker Container Windows Service as a Container on Azure Service Fabric IoT Lambda & Kappa Architecture with Azure Databricks Lambda Architecture Vs Kappa Architecture in IoT Data Analytics Operationalizing the Machine Learning model inferencing with an engineering approach Lambda & Kappa Architecture with Azure Databricks Lambda Architecture Vs Kappa Architecture in IoT Azure Service Fabric Actor Model based programming paradigm with Azure Service Fabric (ASF) Design Patterns Actor Model based programming paradigm with Azure Service Fabric (ASF) Kubernetes Simple Microservices application on Azure Kubernetes cluster Blockchain Hands-on with blockchain - Hyperledger Fabric Part-I Hands-on with blockchain - Ethereum Ethereum Hands-on with blockchain - Ethereum Hyperledger Hands-on with blockchain - Hyperledger Fabric Part-I